Naan Sigappu Manithan is an upcoming Tamil drama film directed by Thiru and produced by UTV Motion Pictures. Co-produced by Vishal, the film stars himself in the leading role with Lakshmi Menon and Iniya in supporting roles, while G. V. Prakash Kumar composes the film’s music. Title is named after the 1985 Tamil film of same name. Shooting started on the 29th of November 2013 near VGP and is projected to end by February 2014. The film deals with a character who has Narcolepsy. The film is scheduled for release is in April 2014.[1]
Naan Sigappu Manithan movie cast and crew
Stars : Vishal, Lakshmi Menon, Iniya
Music : G. V. Prakash Kumar
Lyrics :
Directer : Thiru
Producer : Vishal, Ronnie Screwvala, Siddharth Roy Kapoor
Editor : Anthony L. Ruben
Studio : UTV Motion Pictures, Vishal Film Factory
1. Yelelo Lyrics
2. Lovely Ladies Lyrics
3. Penne Oh Penne Lyrics
4. Idhayam Unnai Theduthe Lyrics