The celebrity couple recently exchanged platinum love bands at Nathella Jewellery, Chennai. True love is special and hence such a significant milestone marking a relationship deserves to be celebrated with the rarest and purest of precious metals, platinum which echoes the true characters of love.
Talking about the launch of the collection, Jeeva said, “Platinum has always been the perfect symbol of everlasting love. Every moment of being in love is to be cherished. A glance at my platinum ring will keep reminding me of my love, even though we are far away from each other. Platinum love bands celebrate a love that is rare and outlives the whims of fashion. Just like our love”
“It was a special day of our life when we found each other and even more precious when we fell in true love. Platinum is one such metal that is a perfect fit to commemorate the special love we share,” said Supriya.