With the exceptional theatre run of ‘Rathinirvedham’, more and more film makers from Malayalam have opted to remake old movies with erotic themes and skinny sequences. The producer of ‘Rathinirvedham’ remake, Sureshkumar who seems to be spearheading this movement of presenting aphrodisiac sensuousness in the package of ‘classic remakes’ has already started working on his new movie in the similar lines- ‘Chattakkari’ with Shamna Kassim as the heroine. Still many others in Mollywood are in various stages of remakes of their versions of ‘Ina and ‘Rasaleela’.
Seeing the potential of these kind of remakes, the super director of yesteryear’s, I V Sasi has also announced the new version of his 1978 hit -Avalude Ravukal which he expects to be a shortcut to hit making in 2012. But even after a year from its announcement, the director and the crew are yet to find the right actress to don the central role of the prostitute Rejani that Seema has made immortal in the original.
Priyamani was said to be in consideration for the role but the age factor has resisted the makers to cast her and to look for someone younger.
Liberty Basheer is the producer who is getting ready to fund this remake. And once the actress to give lips to the song ‘Raagendhu Kiranagal’ is finalised, the movie will start canning immediately.