THIRUVANATHAPURAM: Malayalam film ‘Elektra’, directed by Shyamaprasad, received the cheers of the day from the audience on the fourth day of International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK). A feverish crowd literally crashed open the doors of Kairali theatre for the screening of the film which also created slight tense moments outside the theatre.
The film based on Greek mythology also witnessed the greatest turnout in IFFK so far. The film features a star-studded cast which includes Nayantara, Prakashraj and Manisha Koirala in the lead roles. An apparently elated Shyamaprasad hoped that the film would create the same wave at its theatre release as well. ”I expect the same enthusiasm for the theatre release also,” the director said to a jam-packed crowd in the theatre.
‘Certified Copy’, directed by Iranian Director Abbas Kiarostami, also saw a good turn out. The film that deals with an antique dealer and a writer and the strange ways in which they rediscover their relationship had also won Juliette Binoche, who does the lead role, the award for Best Actress at Cannes Film Festival, 2010.
The World Cinema section also offered some delightful cinematic experiences through the films ‘Somewhere’ by Sofia Coppola, ‘Precious’ by Lee Daniels and the Swiss film ‘Songs of Love and Hate’ by Katalin Godros on the day.
However, the ‘meet-the-press’ held at Kairali Theatre featuring Diego Fried, the director of ‘Wine’, the greatest disappointment on third day, Katalin Godros and M.G.Sasi, the director of ‘Janaki’ seemed lifeless as questions mostly veered around Janaki, leaving Diego and Katalin to sit and watch as mute spectators.
A discussion on film education, which was held at Hotel Horizon mainly focussed on the need for struggle on the part of young aspiring filmmakers before becoming a good filmmaker.
A collection of books remembering the late Malayalam film artistes including Venu Nagavally, M K Kamalam, Adoor Pankajam and music director M G Radhakrishnan were also released at New theatre on Monday.