After the super success of their latest ‘Salt’ N Pepper’, the same team will start working for their new film titled as ‘Idukki Gold’ shortly. Again scripted by Dileesh nair and Shyam Pushkaran, their new movie will feature Lal, Ravindran, Babu Antony, Manian Pillai raju and Shankar in the lead roles. The movie is expected to offer a comeback pad to Shankar and Raveendran who had never been casted in the lead roles, once they were removed from the mainstream Mollywood. The movie will be based on an element taken from Santhosh Echikkanam’s story ‘Idukky Gold’.
After completing the scripts of the movie, Dileesh and Shyam will have another big project, which will be a Mohanlal starrer. This new movie to be directed by hitmaker Shafi will be one of the most demanding works from the duo, that will be on sets in 2012.