Koothara is an upcoming 2014 Malayalam mystery thriller film directed by Srinath Rajendran and written by Vini Vishwa Lal. It stars Mohanlal in an extended cameo,along with Bharath, Sunny Wayne, and Tovino Thomas in the lead roles. Set in an untold period, the film focuses on three engineering students, Koobrin (Bharath), Tharun (Tovino Thomas), Ram (Sunny Wayne), in a college campus and their adventures.
The film is produced by Shahul Hammeed Marikar under the banner Marikar Films and distributed by UTV Motion Pictures and PJ Entertainments Europe. The film’s soundtrack and background score were composed by Gopi Sundar. Cinematography is handled by Pappu, and the editing is by Praveen K. L. and N. B. Srikanth.It is set to be released on 13 June 2014.
Director : Srinath Rajendran
Producer : Shahul Hammeed Marikar
Written by : Vini Vishwa Lal
Starring : Mohanlal,Bharath,Sunny Wayne,Tovino Thomas
Music by : Gopi Sundar
Cinematography : Pappu
Editing : Praveen K. L,N. B. Srikanth
Studio : Marikar Films
Distributer : UTV Motion Pictures,PJ Entertainments Europe
Release date : 13 June 2014
Entha engana chodyamonnum – Jayen Varma
Bye Bye -Rita Tyagaragan ,Gopisundar