Malayalam film ‘Nirakazhcha’ directed by debutant Aneesh J. Karanad is going to speak in Italian. Plans are afoot to dub the film in Italian and release it in 600 theatres all over Italy. The offer to dub the movie in Italian came after it was screened at the ‘Maratea International Film Festival’ in Italy.
‘Nirakazhcha’ is about an Italian painter who comes to Kerala to recreate the wonderful Raja Ravi Varma paintings. There he falls in love with a local model. Popular Italian film, television and stage actor Vincenzo Bocciarelli has played the painter and Mamata Mohandas is the local girl he falls in love. Manoj K Jayan plays an important role as a drummer. The film also has Thilakan, Nedumudi Venu, Jagathy and Suraj Venjaramoodu.
Director Aneesh J. Karanad has said he soon start working on the dubbing and also plans to include some more steamy scenes for the Italian audience.
Meanwhile Karanad’s next film also features Vincenzo and the heroine will be Priyamani. That film will begin in January and half the film will be filmed in Italy.