The new movie from Prithviraj ‘Simhasanam’ which failed to be on theatres as per its original release schedules will now get preponed by a week from Ramzan. As per the plans, the movie will face the viewers by the 10th of this month. The makers are thus planning to offer the movie a free run of at least one week without competition from other biggies ‘ Thappana’ and ‘Run Baby Run’ which will be on theatres for Onam-Ramzan season. The movie will particularly important in the career of Prithviraj as his two earlier movies ‘Hero’ and ‘Masters’ didn’t even mange a fine opening.
Simhasanam – a take on Lal’s Naduvazhikal is scripted and directed by Shaji kailas, while S Chandrakumar of Malavika productions produce the movie.Aishwarya Devan is the heroine playing the love interest of Prithviraj in the movie while Saikumar, Thilakan, Devan, Siddhique , Kunchan, and Vijayakumar are also in the cast. Let’s wait and see whether its preponing gamble will turn lucky for Prithvi.