Remya Nambeeshan, one of the talented Mollywood actresses who had been struggling since her debut in Malayalam with ‘Aanachandham’ suddenly finds things going her way with the arrival of 2011. The actress who had been an active partner in the group of ever-growing ‘cross-over heroines’ is in the headlines following her lead role in Tamil period flick ‘Ilaignan’ and comedy caper ‘Kullanari Koottam.Both these movies which were released recently is having a safe run in the Tamil Box Office.
‘Ilaignan’ which is Tamil Nadu Chief Minster M. Karunanidhi’s 75th film as a scriptwriter have Remya as a village belle and the lover of a rebellious protagonist played by scriptwriter Pa. Vijay. ‘Kullanari Koottam’ had Remya in a comic role in another noteworthy performance. The success of these two movie also coincided with the Mollywood hit ‘Traffic’ by Rajesh Pillai’, where Remya was in a role with a little of negative shades.
The actress will be soon seen in another role of prominence in ‘Muriyadi,’ the Tamil remake of the Malayalam hit ‘Passenger,’.Her immediate release in Telugu with be ‘Salamat’ which is currently in the editing table. Anyhow, good going Remya.