Reports say that actor’s Aarya’s family has launched a serious bride-hunt to locate a suitable life-partner for the lanky actor. Aarya, who impressed many with his portrayal of a goon in his debut film ‘Arindhum Ariyamalaum’ a few years back, has come to be reckoned as an actor of substance and has had successful films like ‘Arindhum…’, ‘Pattiyal’, ‘Kalaba Kaadhalan’, ‘Naan Kadavul’, etc. He recently launched his own production house and is also producing a film titled ‘Padithurai’ with a whole new-comer cast and music by ‘Maestro’ Ilaiyaraaja.

Aarya is now looking forward to his upcoming film ‘Madarasapattinam’, which releases this Friday (9th July). The film, directed by Vijay (of ‘Kireedom’ and ‘Poi Solla Porom’ fame) and produced by Kalpathi Agoram, has attracted wide-spread pre-release hype and publicity and has aroused expectation from the audience for its sheer backdrop, as the story has been set in the 1940s.

Aarya has, in the past, been linked to his co-stars Pooja and Nila but none of the so-called ‘affairs’ were found to be true. Aarya’s family is said to be working overtime to locate a suitable bride for the family so that Aarya’s name is not dragged unnecessarily into many ‘rumours’ linking him with other actresses and co-stars.

Amy Jackson, a British national, debuts as Aarya’s heroine in ‘Madarasapattinam’ and says that Aarya has delivered a ‘mind-boggling’ performance in the film. Aarya’s other assignments include ‘Chikku Bukku’ opposite Shriya Saran and ‘Baas Engira Baskaran’ opposite Nayantara. Rumours have already started emanating that Aarya continually speaks over phone to Shriya and the two can’t remain without each other’s presence.

As if to clear the air, Aarya has confessed that “It’s a fact that my family is on the look-out for a suitable bride for me. I would take extra care to choose my life partner, no doubt. I won’t bother about her caste or religion but she should be appealing to my mind and should always be ready to share my happy and the not-so-happy moments!”

Those satisfying the above criteria may send in their resume to Aarya!

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