Karthi-starrer Tamil comedy “All in All Azhaguraja”, which released worldwide Nov 2, has been trimmed by 25 minutes following a poor response from audiences and critics alike.
“It was a unanimous decision by the makers of the film,” a source from the film’s unit said.
“The initial response was not in the favour of the film and we came to learn that its length was the biggest concerns for audiences. Since we can’t make changes to the film, we decided to trim it by 25 minutes.
“The new version started playing on all digital screens since Sunday (Nov 3) evening. It will also be added to more screens today (Monday) across the country and overseas,” the source added.
One song and a few scenes have been excluded from the film, which had an original run of two-hours-and-fifty-four minutes.
Also starring Kajal Agarwal, Radhika Apte and Santhanam in important roles, the film is directed by Rajesh M.