Amala tried a hand at Scuba diving while shooting for award winning Malayalam director Dr Biju’s Aakashathinte Niram in Andamans.
The actress took time off her busy schedule, to go scuba diving!
Amala who loves active outdoor adventure sports says that she always wanted to try out underwater sea bed exploration through scuba diving.
Andamans is supposed to be one of the best places for scuba diving as the coastal water surrounding the islands is the abode of one of the richest coral reef ecosystem in the world.
On her way back from Andamans to Chennai, Amala told “I had a blast exploring the coral reefs and underwater formation undamaged by human activity. Scuba diving in the Andamans is a once in a life time experience. I loved every moment of it.”
Amala also confesses that her scuba diving experience was such a rejuvenating feeling that she will be going back to do it again. She adds that the whole experience completely changed her life and she is now looking forward to more adventures in the sea.