Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who is currently in Sydney shooting for “The Great Gatsby”, is to receive an honorary doctorate from the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane on Thursday.
“The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) honours me with a doctorate on the 20th of October in Brisbane…deep gratitude,” Amitabh posted on micro-blogging site Twitter.
The 69-year-old will go to accept the honour post his shooting schedule.
“Yes after I finish the shoot for ‘The Great Gatsby’, over to Brisbane for the Honorary Doctorate from the Queensland University,” he added.
Meanwhile, Amitabh is enjoying every bit of shooting for his Hollywood debut “The Great Gatsby”, directed by Baz Luhrmann. He is in awe of the working style on the film, which is an adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic and has Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead.
“Long meticulous rehearsals with Leonardo Di Caprio, Tobey Maguire and Joel Egerton, for a small scene…incredible detailing,” he added.