After portraying two very fine characters in her first two films, the best debutante actress of last year, Ann Agustine will now pair with young star Jayasuriya for the new movie ‘Vaadhyar’. The actress who had been with Kunchakko Boban, Indrajith and Prithviraj in her first two films, ‘Elsamma enna Aankutty’ and Arjunan Saakshy’ will have a meaty role in this movie scripted by debutante Rajesh raghavan.
After completing ‘Vaadhyar’, Ann Augustine’ will again become the pair of Kunchakko Boban in the new movie ‘ordinary’ directed by Sugeeth.
The next movie from Ann to reach the theatres will be the fun film ‘three kings’ directed by V K Prakash.