Well, that is the latest buzz in Kollywood! After completing Mayakkam Enna, which has Dhanush and Richa in the lead roles, Selvaraghavan is likely to start working on a bilingual with Arya, Allu Arjun and Anushka Shetty. Confirming the news, actress Anushka said to a leading daily, “I have signed up to do Selvaraghavan’s next project a bilingual and will also be doing a film with Karthi.”
In Mayakkam Enna, Dhanush will play the role of a doctor for the first time. UTV Motion Pictures has acquired the release rights of this film produced by Dhanush’s father Kasthuri Raja; Ramji (of Raam fame) handles the camera. Kola Bhaskar is the editor and G.V. Prakash is the music director.