Looks like the AP Regional Censor Board has decided to toughen its act after Hyderabad Times broke the story of the makers of “Veera” releasing the uncensored version of the film. The Board is now scrutinizing every movie with double the care. Latest buzz has it that VV Vinayak’s big-budget film, ” Badrinath” starring Allu Arjun and Tamannah, got an ‘A’ certificate from the Board.
After viewing half the film, the Censor Board chief told the makers that the copy of the film was not good and told them to get a better print. After much objection, a new print was given to the Censor Board on Monday. “The film was given an ‘A’ certificate, confirms the regional Censor Board chief, Dhanalakshmi.
Sources add that it is the gore in this big-budget flick that prompted the Censor Board to give this flick, an ‘A’ certificate.
“It’s not just about violence. We look at all the aspects. The ‘A’ certificate was given only after we decided that the film can be viewed only by a mature audience. We are strictly adhering to the rules,” Dhanalakshmi explains.