Well its not clear what was exactly the reason behind the break up but the new Bollywood prince charming and the tall and the beautiful Deepika where a sweet little pair. Anyways, grannys say that people don’t forget their first love especially girls and maybe that’s the reason why Deepika is still having the tattoo that reads ‘RK’ meaning Ranbir Kapoor on her nape.
She was recently spotted with a new one on her ankle but she was wearing sandals so this bee couldn’t see it properly so can’t describe what it was exactly.
But the girl is not ready to get ‘RK’ out from her nape confirming what the old grannies say about first love.
Pehla pyaar pehla gham……. No not really as the lass was in high spirit answering questions to the scribes. Hmmmmmm forgiven not forgotten Ranbir … ah… Deepika?