Dil Raju announced a new film with Siddharth under the direction of Venu Sriram, who worked with the former’s production house Sri Venateswara Creations for many films.
Speaking to reporters, Dil Raju said that Venu Sriram had been working with his banner since Arya. The newly announced venture would start immediately after the completion of the Prabhas starrer.
He said that the new film will have its regular shooting from December. Siddarth accepted to do this film as he liked the script. “We have the hero and director ready now, but the rest of the cast and crew would be formed soon.”
Coming to the film with Prabhas, “it has its shoot finished by fifty percent. The next schedule will be extensively shot in Hyderabad in October. Next, the unit would move abroad for songs and the talkie part too,” he said.