Though he is amidst super hits all through the year, the most popular commercial actor of our times, Janapriyanayakan Dileep occasionally develops a liking to films that tell offbeat stores. And now for his confirmed project ‘Manoradham’, he is going to present himself as a new age Charlie Chaplin The movie will have him as an unskilled worker with a little of delusion, who find himself imitating the emotions that Chaplin has made immortal, at some points of his life.
To be directed by R Sukumaran, the movie will be a big budget affair all set to start by the mid of this year. Ramachandra Babu is the cinematographer of the movie produced by Ambalakkara films.
‘Yugapurushan’ , a biopic on the social reformer Sree narayana Guru was the last film from R Sukumaran, who had also made critically acclaimed movies like ‘Rajashilpi ‘and ‘Paadamudhra’.0