Engeyum Eppodhum, produced jointly by ace director A.R. Murugadoss and Hollywood’s prominent production house Fox Studios, will reportedly grace theatres on September 16, 2011. The film is directed by Murugadoss’ longtime associate Saravanan. Jai, Sharwanand, Anjali and Ananya play the lead roles. According to the director, Engeyum Eppodhum is a romantic flick with the right dose of comedy and emotions. The technical crew includes Anthony (editing), Velraj (camera), debutant Sathyan (music), Ganesh (stunts) and Jackie (art).
The director has also revealed that the characters essayed by Jai, Anjali, Sharwanand and Ananya will run on two parallel storylines that come together towards the end of the film. Interestingly, all the lead character have dubbed in their own voices for this film.