CHENNAI: Ilayathalapathy Vijay’s upcoming film ‘Kaval Kadhal’ has been rechristened as ‘Kaavalan’ as Vijay felt that the title is more apt for the film’s plot. The actor initially insisted that his producers acquire yesteryear MGR’s superhit film title ‘Kavalkaran’. But the producers of the MGR’s film remained adamant about not selling their film’s name. Later the film was tentatively titled as ‘Kaval Kadhal’. The film is in the final stages of shooting and the producer has finalized the title as ‘Kaavalan’.
The film is about a youngster Arjun (Vijay), who adores the most powerful people and wants to be their bodyguard. Somehow, he manages to become the trusted aide of a leading industrialist (Raj Kiran), his wife (Roja) and his college-going daughter Meera (Asin).
The industrialist wants Arjun to accompany Meera to college. After lot of hilarious moments, the film begins to take its twists and turns and ends with an unexpected twist.
The film is directed by Siddique, who had also directed ‘Bodyguard’, the Malayalam film. Music is by Vidyasagar.