Jhanvi Kapoor, daughter of famous & gorgeous actress Sridevi, has dazzled the Bollywood world. She is the new star kid and all set to enter the Tinseltown. Yesterday, she had made an spectacular entry at the Global film and television awards in Mumbai.
She walked down the red carpet with her mother Sridevi. Jhanvi was dressed in an short white, figure hugging outfit with suitable trendy accessories and chic footwear. This young entrant into the world of glamour & movies definitely hogged the limelight & was the centre of attention as people were trying to compare her with Sridevi.
Sridevi was looking gorgeous and beautiful dressed in a long flowing, blue gown that flattered her feminine curves. Well, she definitely was proud of her daughter for the fabulous response she received & looked visibly happy.The mother- daughter duo were a combination of prettiness and glamour as Sridevi exuded sensuality whereas her daughter Jhanvi looks like a cute schoolgirl.
With the Tinseltown being full of star kids & starry tantrums, let us see how this young Jhanvi Kapoor will fit into Bollywood….