Actor jayaram and director kamal had been regulars in producing hits in the nineties. Their movies like ‘Peruvannapurathe Visheshangal’, ‘Pradeshika vaarthakal’, ‘Shubhayathra,’Thooval sparsham’ and ‘Krishnagudiyil oru pranayakalathu’ had been loved and listed among the bests in Mollywood by hundreds of cinephiles. Kamal and jayaram met for a film last time for ‘Kaikudanna Nilavu’ which was released 12 years ago. After this movie, Jayaram faced a reversal of fate, with his movies continually sinking in the B O, till a couple of years back, when he recouped with ‘Veruthe oru Bharya’.
Now Jayaram, who is busy among hat-trick hits-Makeupman, ‘China town’ and Seniors’, will start shooting for the new movie by Kamal in a couple of weeks. This new movie will be scripted by K Gireeshkumar and will be produced by Thankachan Immanuel of True line movies. Innocent, Biju Menon, Samvrutha sunil and Salimkumar will be in the cast of this movie project which is yet to get titled.