Madhumita, earlier known with the screen name of Swathi and later as Swapna Madhuri, is still doing films even after marriage. She was married some years ago to Shiva Balaji. After she got betrothed to him, she was offered a deglamorous role in Prabhas-starrer Yogi. None from her family of orientation objected to her continuing with acting.
Luckily for her, her mother-in-law (Shiva Balaji’s mother) is a yesteryear actress herself. Madhumita is getting many offers in Tamil. Thoonga Nagaram (where she played a cameo role), Kadhal Meipada and Nalvaravu have been her three releases this year.
In an industry where heroines bid adieu to films after they tie the knot, Madhumita is an exception. She says that neither Shiva nor her in-laws have ever put a spanner to her career.
Her early films in Telugu, like Sandade Sandadi did not do too well. But she has since gone on to act in Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada as well. Madhumita shows the way to others to strike a balance between family life and profession.