Neetu Chandra is all set to don the avatar of a producer. The lady will produce a Bhojpuri film titled Deswa. “I want to give Bhojpuri cinema a facelift. There is so much of vulgarity and violence in Bhojpuri films that the industry is becoming synonymous with only raunchy movies. I want to change all this and reform Bhojpuri cinema by bringing in more sensibility as well as sensitivity,” the actress said.
“Deswa is a coming-of-age movie about three young boys and covers the period from 2000 to 2010. It explores their journey in search of jobs from Bihar to other places and then back to Bihar. It was the subject that lured me to become a producer,” Neetu added.
Reportedly Neetu Chandra is likely to play the female lead in Thala Ajith’s much awaited 50th film Mangaatha directed by Venkat Prabhu.
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