In a fresh buzz from the Bollywood, new-comer actress Sonam Kapoor has ended all gossips that she is the latest love of Sidhartha Mallya.
Earlier, it was said in some reports that she is the basic reason behind the break-up between Sidhartha Mallya and Om Shanti Om actress Deepika Padukone, who were reportedly in a relationship.
In the meantime, media cameras caught them together in many social event, but they both denied accepting their relation in from of media.
Actress Sonam Kapoor posted on her Twitter wall, saying, “I’m hearing the funniest rumours about myself! In Thailand, and all I can say is I’m on the floor laughing.”
The actress further posted that she is not having any differences with Mausnm co-star Shahid Kapoor and director Punit Malhotra. Before we forget, Sonam Kapoor was reportedly dating the young director of her debut film, I Hate Luv Storys.