Poonam Pandey who was a major search on internet during this World Cup for her comment on stripping for Indian Team, have brought her in focus. Though after the match the hot model switched off her cell phones, she says that she is still on with her promise.
During interacting with us, Poonam said that she is not a promise breaker and whatever she said has a very ‘dilse’ effect attached to it. “I am all in for the promise and the statement is still on but don’t want to go against law. It was for Team India and if I will get permission, I will do it. It was my commitment but not for publicity. My motto was India to win. I don’t like when people say that I am breaking the promise, I did it for my country and the team and very happy that they won the World Cup.” She concludes.
So, Poonam even if you deny that it’s a publicity gimmick, you need to agree on one thing that it brought enough popularity to you!