Prateik Bababar, the talented son of Smita Patil – one of the most magical actresses Bollywood has ever had was recently speechless and he couldn’t believe his luck. The actor who is slowly making his space in the competitive tinsel town got his first major appreciation when the audience at the Toronto Film Festival applauded his forthcoming film ‘Dhobi Ghat’ where he plays a major role.
‘Dhobi Ghat’, the latest offering from Aamir Khan Productions who has always believed in cinema for a purpose was showcased in the Toronto Film Festival and the audience was completely captivated by the film. ‘Dhobi Ghat’ marks the entry of Aamir Khan’s wife Kiran into the list of helmers.
The response after the screening was absolutely stunning. The audience present at the screening gave a standing ovation to the film and applauded for ‘Dhobi Ghat’ for 12 minutes!
Indeed it was a proud moment for Kiran Rao who was so taken aback by the overwhelming response to her first directorial venture. While Prateik as we said was speechless! Wanna know what the Bollywood perfectionist Aamir has to say on this achievement..? Well for that you will have to stay tuned for more….