Just days after Ram Charan Teja launched his new polo team ‘Ram Charan Teja Hyderabad Polo Riding Club’ (RC HPRC) at Taj Krishna Hotel in Hyderabad, the team tasted success in its debut match at the Hyderabad Polo Season 2011 at Polo Grounds on Saturday.
The RC HPRC players along with players from National Defence Academy together took on Remount Veterinary Corps (RVC), beating them 6-1.5 (one and half) in the opening game.
Thanks to Ram Charan Teja’s association with the sport, Hyderabad Polo Season 2011 got a much-needed boost in terms of popularity. The actor’s fans flocked to the grounds hoping to get a glance of their favourite star at his team’s debut game. “The sport has to be revived and I hope my association with the sport can help take the sport to a level that encourages the youth to take it up,” said Ram Charan Teja, who did not attend his team’s debut match.
The actor is expected to attend the final match to be held on September 6 at the same venue. His team will be participating in all three tournaments that will be played in the Hyderabad Polo Season 2011: the Prince of Berar Cup, Chief Minister’s Cup and Army Commander Trophy.