For his spectacular show in the film Maghadeera, Ramcharan won the best actor award while Anushka won the best actress award for Arundhati at the MAA Cinemaa Awards fete. At a glittering event organized by the MAA TV, the other winners include Naga Chaitanya as the best debut actor for Josh.
Almost all the big names of the Telugu film industry including Akkineni Nageswara Rao, Chiranjeevi, Nagarjuna and Srikanth were present at the event where Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to C.Narayana Reddy with citation read out by S.P. Balasubrahmanyam.
Comedy artist Ali and TV anchor Suma hosted the show. Producers and directors Allu Arvind, Shyamprasad Reddy, K.S.Rama Rao, Achi Reddy, Raghavendra Rao, Krishna Reddy and others were also present.
Artistes and performers from across the country including Prince Team from Orissa and Rakhi Sawant who enthralled the gathering. The awards event will be telecast on MAA TV on August 28 at 7 p.m