Earlier he directed his brother Salman in films like ‘Auzaar’, ‘Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya’ and ‘Hello Brother’. Now yet again Sohail Khan will helm a project for his bhaiyaa. And that will be the sequel of ‘Partner’!
We have been coming across the buzz of ‘Partner 2’ quite often – its ups and downs, script changes, delays….. Latest update on the movie’s front is that Salman was not satisfied with the scripts that David Dhawan had come up. And so Sohail allegedly stepped in to take on the reins and will direct the sequel (the original which was produced by him).
Moreover our birdies heard that Salman wants to boost up Sohail’s career.
Well, we do have a taste of Sohail’s direction skills. Let’s next check on how he presents Partner’s sequel…