There is a lot happening in Vijay’s ring and the actor is back at choosing the best. The combination of Vijay and Super Good Films created wonders at the box office until a few years ago with films like Poove Unakkaga, Thullatha Manamum Thullum, Love Today and Thirupachi.
Later when Vijay stuck with routine pot boilers his relationship with Super Good Films was inactive. Now at a time when Vijay has to prove his pull and push with the masses he is joining hands with his lucky production house again.
Reliable sources Vijay will sign a film for Super Good Films and the first few rounds of discussions have already been completed. The final dates, stars and other crew will be announced before Diwali. For the record ‘Poove Unakkaga’ is the first super hit of Vijay that took him to stardom and made him a commercial saleable star.