Tapsee who is now on a high with two films ready to release in Telugu and a couple in Tamil is on a rejection spree. Sources confirm that this Punjabi girl from Delhi was approached by Puri Jagannath for his upcoming film starring Amitabh Bachchan in Hindi. The movie is titled ‘Budda’.
Deeksha Seth and Taapsee were to play roles in this film but Tapsee is believed to have rejected it. The reason-she is not going to act with Amitabh but will be paired next to Sonu Sood.
“She is busy and her dates are crammed now. She will do a film in Hindi only if it is a great script and a seasoned director. In this film, her role is next to Sonu Sood and her rejection has got nothing to do with Amitabh Bachchan” a close aide of the actress informed.