Southern actress Vedhika has been roped in to play the female lead in the upcoming Kannada family-drama “Brindavana”, a remake of Telugu film “Brindavanam” and she’ll be stepping into the shoes of Samantha in the remake.
“Nowadays family films have become a rarity in our film industry, and therefore I’m excited to be part of this wonderful family project”, Vedhika said.
“I will probably start shooting by the end of February or early March,” she added. Jr.NTR, Kajal Agarwal and Samantha Ruth Prabhu played the lead role in “Brindavanam”, which revolved around a guy who resolves the tussle between two brothers and unites them.
Vedhika is cast opposite Kannada superstar Darshan Thoogudeep in the film. She will essay the role played by Samantha in the original.
“Brindavanam” has already been remade in Bengali as “Khoka 420”.
Meanwhile, Vedhika is awaiting the release of Tamil period-drama “Paradesi”, which is based on the suffering of tea plantations workers in pre-independent India.