It is already known that Vijay and Kajal Agarwal starring Thuppakki being directed by AR Murugadoss is admitted in court case for its title change and the Chennai high court has earlier slated the judgment to be given today, which was further postponed to July 25.
Director Ravi Devan has filed a complaint on Thuppakki seeking a title change, as he suppose it resembles his 2009 registered movie name ‘Kalla Thuppakki’ and also claims that the logo is also similar. The court in Chennai has recently postponed the judgment date to July 19, today from July 16 that is again shifted to July 25th.
Meanwhile Kalaipuli S Thanu, the producer of Thuppakki has filed a counter to Ravi Devan’s objection saying, “Both the titles have no similarity. A licensed gun is called a Thuppakki, while an unlicensed one is called a ‘Kalla Thuppakki’, thus there is no similarity either in title or in the message they convey.” Let us wait for the final judgment ill July 25.