Guess what! Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was the first choice to play cameo in Abhishek Bachchan starrer Dum Maro Dum. Though Ash was approached initially for the role of Abhishek’s wife it went to Vidya finally. Abhishek stars as ACP Vishnu Kamath in the film. His wife played by Vidya Balan in DMD has a miniscule role but it forms an important portion in the film. Though Aishwarya was about to play the role initially, things didn’t worked in the end leading Rohan to search for other options. Mind you Aishwarya is a good pal of Rohan Sippy. Ash took Rohan with her to celebrate Abhishek’s birthday in New Zealand while he was shooting for Players earlier this year. Add to it, this is not the first time that Ash has opted out of AB baby’s films; there were reports which said that Mrs. Jr Bachchan was the preferred option for Sarah Jane Dias role in Game but that too didn’t worked out. Well, it was good for Aishwarya considering Game’s dismal performance at the BO. When asked Rohan Sippy, he was immediate to divert the topic by saying that Vidya had done an excellent job in DMD and was gracious enough to accept the role. “Vidya is a towering performer and who better than Vidya to replace Ash. Considering the on-screen chemistry that Abhishek and Vidya shared in Paa it was evident for Rohan Sippy to ask Vidya for DMD”, added our source. So one should wait till Ladies and Gentlemen releases for the off-screen couple [Abhi-Ash] to play on-screen couple again.