The sheer excitement among the fans after getting the news that the south superstar Rajnikanth will be seen sharing screen with actress Deepika Padukone is put on hold for now. Reportedly, the actress who is also a big fan of Rajinikanth and is excited about the offer has no time to even listen to the script offered by the director Kalpana Lajmi.
Deepika is following a very tight schedule and is busy with her upcoming films. Looks like this busy bee will miss the life time chance to share screen space with the ‘Robot’ Rajnikanth. It is a known fact that in-order to seep in the hearts of the people leaving in South India one just needs to work with Rajinikanth.
The same happened with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan who recently created a roar with Rajnikanth by their film Enthiran- The Robot. Aishwarya was lucky enough to get the second opportunity to work with Rajni. Earlier both the stars were seen in Om Shanti Om.
Deepika who is perfectly suited for the role offered to her in the film was is a confusion as she has no dates available on her schedule list. She is trying hard to squeeze in some dates only for the opportunity to work with the South star.
The eagerness of Deepika for this film doesn’t help a lot of purpose, because the filmmakers wants the film to start rolling from this year. Deepika is busy with films like Aakarshan, Desi Boyz etc to her credit this year however, if she will miss the golden chance of working with the big man is a question that still remains unanswered. Keep tracing the space for more details on the news.