CHENNAI: Director Vetrimaaran made his debut directorial with the film Polladhavan. The film featuring Dhanush, Divya Spandana and Daniel Balaji in lead roles was a blockbuster as it overshadowed the biggest releases like Vijay’s Azhagiya Tamizh Magan, which was released along with it. After a long sabbatical gap, the filmmaker is all set for the release of his next movie Aadukalam. It marks coming together of Dhanush-Vetrimaaran-G.V. Prakash for the second time. Having done with the shooting schedules, the film is close on the heels of completing the post production works
Meanwhile, we hear that director Vetrimaaran has been offered to wield megaphone for a film to be produced by Cloud Nine Productions. It seems that the director was supposed take on with a film titled Vada Chennai, which was supposed to feature Karthi in lead role due to his hectic schedules with other projects.
Vetrimaaran will now commence a new film yet to be titled with bunch of newcomers in lead roles. The film will be produced by Dayanidhi Azhagiri of Cloud Nine Productions and is reported to be a quickie. The film’s shooting will be completed within 2 months and has a running length of less than 2 hours. There will be no songs in the film and background score is expected to be handled by G.V. Prakash.