Karthi and wife Ranjani had gone on a honeymoon to Austria. The actor got married to Ranjani on July 3rd and their reception took place in Chennai on July 7th. The couple will spend a week in Austria and then return to Chennai right on time for Karthi to get back for the Saguni shooting.
Karthi’s current project Saguni is being directed by Shankar Dayal. Pranitha pairs up with Karthi in this flick while Santhanam takes charge of the comedy. GV Prakash Kumar is scoring the music for Saguni.
karthi finaly tastes the fresh sh*t of ranjani.he said its sweet.she was smiling.
horoscpoe of ranjani says karthi will drop from cine field to zero level within a year and he shall be interesting to do stand on his own business.he will become slave of ranjani.because the star of sukkiran is high in 8th place for ranjani.she will become more responsibility.she will guide karthi what to do & not.but sure ranjani will shine more than karthi towards his life.he has to follow her order.
this is the latest ews that karthi tastes the fresh shit of ranjani.he was happy to tell her thai its sweet.but she smiled on him.also he requested her to fart more during the session.