It’s raining films from Power star Pawan Kalyan. Before his Theenmaar hits theatres on April 14th, Pawan and director Harish Shankar are right now freaking out to complete the script of Gabbar Singh, Dabangg remake.
Incidentally Gabbar Singh will start as soon as Pawan’s film with Vishnu Vardhan [Tamil Billa fame] at the helm of affairs, Shadow starts.
Pawan for the first time in his career is on signing spree off late. Through out his entire film career he has hardly done back to back two films together. This is the first time that Pawan will be doing it.
Harish Shankar who tasted success with Mirapakay is a big fan of Pawan Kalyan. Ironically Pawan should have worked with him earlier but things didn’t pan out as expected. Kajal Agarwal is tentatively paired opposite Pawan in Gabbar Singh.
The film will be made on Pawan Kalyan’s creative works and the makers are planning for a Pongal release next year.