Winning praises for his scripts with situational comedies, director Rajesh has leaped into the A-league of filmmakers in the Tamil film industry. Rajesh made his debut directorial with ‘Siva Manasula Sakthi’ starring Jeeva and Anuya in lead roles, which was a blockbuster. His recent release Arya-Nayanthara starrer ‘Boss Engira Baskaran’ has become yet another hit movie. Much impressed with Rajesh’s style of filmmaking, producer Udhayanidhi Stalin has signed him for his next film as well. This film will mark the onscreen debut of producer Udhayanidhi Stalin, which is again a comedy entertainer.
The film is slated to go on floor by next month and much prior to it, the director has bagged another big offer. It is none other than actor Karthi. According to the sources, Rajesh will direct Karthi’s next film that will be produced by the actor’s home banner, Studio Green.
It is worth mentioning that during the audio launch of ‘Boss Engira Baskaran’, cinematographer Sakthi Saravanan made an onstage request for Suriya to hear an action-packed thriller script penned by Rajesh. It looks like that the request has worked out now to a certain extent as Suriya’s younger brother Karthi has bagged the offer.
Karthi’s next release ‘Siruthai’ is close on the heels of completion and is scheduled to hit screens on the occasion of Pongal 2011.