Actor Ajith has launched his own production house named ‘Goodwill Entertainment’ which was expected to be run by himself. The actor, who is presently starring in the landmark 50th film of his career titled ‘Mangatha’, has decided to make his actress-wife Shalini the Chairman of ‘Goodwill Entertainment’ thereby involving her in the aspects of film-making.
Ajith had earlier decided to make his manager Suresh Chandra the Chairman of his production house but later had a change of heart after discussions and confabulations with his family and close relatives. Now, the ‘Goodwill Entertainment’ has formally been registered with Shalini Ajith as its chairman.
Right from the selection of script, production, etc., Shalini is expected to take all her decisions on her own and in an independent manner. Ajith has reportedly advised Shalini that the first five films to be produced under the home banner should be directed by newcomers.