Android Flash Transfer Apps

This Swipe & Share App can share files b/w Androids with just one swipe of your finger, also know as Flash Transfer Apk. World is really moving too fast, there was a time when Infrared was rocking the floor, then come Bluetooth. No doubt most of us still using Bluetooth as a medium to transfer files , song, video, app, games etc from one mobile to another. But now something new has hit the market its Flash Transfer.apk, wait don’t think it need flash player to work on. It just named as flash transfer.apk because of it working ability. This app can be used to share files between Android device with just one swipe of your fingure.

So you are interested to know from where this app came from right? As we said this app is know as Flash Transfer. So this app is one of the most important features of A35 Bolt & A27 , two new device launched by Micromax Company. This app come inbult on those two mobile. 40% of People are buying those two device to get this new features in hand. But you guys are just tooo lucky got it for free man.

Things will not be needed anymore

No need to open & close bluetooth again & again.
No Need of any kind data charge to transfer files over internet.

Just all you need to do is a SWIPE & all DONE .


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