While most actors seek safety measures in times of misfortune, Mahesh Babu seems to be a distinct exception. Mahesh Babu, Samantha and entire crew of his upcoming film Dookudu were busy shooting in Istanbul. Unexpectedly, a suicide bomber shocked the entire nation, and wounded 32 people, just a few days prior to the shooting schedule. Some of the production managers asked Mahesh Babu’s if he wanted to postpone the shoot for the sake of safety, but he declined, saying that he was pretty confident of getting by safely with the pre-planned schedule, which is to go on till November 10. Also, word on the Tolly street is, Dookudu is not the only film on Mahesh Babu’s plate. Sun Pictures has been toying with the idea of making Amarar Kalki’s timeless classic Ponniyin Selvan, the 20th century Tamil historical novel into celluloid, and has even roped in Mani Ratnam to direct the movie. In fact, according to sources, after working on the novel meticulously, Mani has etched a neat script that encompasses all the five volumes of the novel in just 80 scenes. And guess who is to play the lead role in the Telugu version of the movie? That’s right, it’s Mahesh Babu!