We have interesting details about two ‘scintillating songs’ in ‘Velayudham’, Ilaya Thalapathi Vijay’s forthcoming film, directed by ‘Jayam’ Raja and produced by Aascar Films V Ravichandran.“A song whose starting lines are Sonna puriadhu….sollukkul adangadhu… was shot recently on a grand set. It will be the introduction song of Vijay in Velayudham,” sources in the unit tell us.“While the lyrics speak about the bond the Ilaya Thalapathi shares with his fans, Vijay Antony’s music has provided the much-needed pep a Vijay intro songs needs. It will be a colourful song,” they say.
“The other number that was recently picturised was a duet,” they say and add: “the song Mayakkiputta ennai mayakkiputta shot on Vijay and Hansika Motwani will be remembered for a long time by (music) lovers.”
velayudham goin 2b massive hit of the year. this wil b break through for his carrier. all the best from ur nenjil kudierukum rasigan kirannnnnnnnnnn,,