Ganesh Venkatraman, who hogged the limelight thanks to his tough cop role in ‘Unnaipol Oruvan’ and Punjabi son-in-law of Prakash Raj in ‘Abhiyum Naanum’, is all set to make his mark as a solo hero, with a film titled ‘Pani Thuli’.
A romantic action thriller, the movie features Ganesh Venkatraman opposite Kalpana Pandit and Shoabana. Directed by Natti Kumar and Dr Jai, ‘Pani Thuli’ will be simultaneously released in Hindi also, as ‘Tum Ho Yaara’.
Says the actor, “I was thrilled so much when I listened to the script of Pani Thuli. It’s a gripping entertainer loaded with interesting elements all through. I am happy to play the solo lead for the first time with this movie.”
‘Pani Thuli’ was shot in the United States, Chennai and Mumbai. The shooting is over and the film is expected to hit the screens soon. “Besides romance and action, music plays an important role in this movie,” adds Ganesh Venkatraman.