Two things have made Nagarjuna, one of the top actors of Tollywood, happy. One is the good show of his Tamil film ‘Payanam’ and the other is the way the acting career of his son Naga Chaitanya is taking shape.
“I’m happy with the way he has improved with each film. You could see the difference between his performance in his debut, Josh and his next film Ye Maaya Chesave,” says Nagarjuna.
Please note ‘Ye Maaya Chesave’ is the Telugu remake of Gautham Vasudev Menon’s ‘Vinnai Thandi Varuvaya’and Naga Chaitanya, needless to say, replaced Simbu in the Tollywood version.
The proud father adds: “I feel, what took me 10 films to achieve, he has been able to do it in two. That is remarkable progress.” On ‘Payanam’, he says, “We all worked hard. And I am happy about the outcome.”